Until the Patriarchy Falls and There Are No More Evictions. Chapters 3 to 6
Here you'll find chapters 3 to 6 of "Until the Patriarchy Falls and There Are No More Evictions. Debt, Housing and Patriarchal Violence", written by Myrian Espinoza Minda and Lotta Meri Pirita Tenhunen in dialogue with PAH Vallekas' Women's Group, illustrated by Coco Guzmán and now translated by Liz Mason-Deese. The research and writing process of the booklet were funded by the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Madrid Liaison Office [...]

Bio-syndicalism from the Domestic Territories. An Introductory Selection
Here you'll find an introductory selection of the five main chapters of "Bio-syndicalism from the Domestic Territories. Our Reclaims and Our Ways of Doing", written by Rafaela Pimentel Lara, Costanza Cisneros Sánchez, Amalia Caballero Richard and Ana Rojo Delgado in dialogue with Territorio Doméstico, illustrated by Ana Peñas and now translated by Liz Mason-Deese. The research and writing process of the booklet were funded by the [...]
La Laboratoria. Our Origin, Our Story
La Laboratoria was born in 2020 in the heat of the international feminist tide, through the fabric of ongoing conversations among feminist activist and thinkers from Latin America, North Africa and Europe focused on situated knowledge and artist production within feminist grassroots. Since we began our journey, we have articulated our work around three main lines of action – situated feminist research & co-creation practices, feminist [...]

Our Time/Our Strike. Tools for Thinking and Mapping the Feminist Strike
"We—women, trans, queer folks, feminized bodies and subjects— already, in our everyday lives, make time multiply, we cook, we clean, we care, we teach, we think, we write, all at the same time. It is not only that we have multiple working days—the work outside the home (which of course is now inside of the home for many of us), the work in the home, the [...]

Introduction to «From Farm-Work to Care-Work. Towards a Feminist and Anti-racist Syndicalism»
This is the introductory text to “Del campo a los cuidados. El sindicalismo feminista y antirracista que viene”, published by the La Laboratoria, with support of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Madrid and Foundation for Arts Initiatives. It was translated into English for Common Ecologies and the MovE research project, by Maggie Schmitt from Zenobia translations. Illustrations by Cynthia Veneno. Deregulation, new and old The old unionist [...]

Criminalization of Pregnancy. A War on Reproduction
By Feminist Research on Violence Platform Elizabeth Downer, Susana Draper, Alejandra Estigarribia, Silvia Federici, Anna Fox, Lewanne Jones, Jesal Kapadia, Belén Marco-Crespo, Alice Markham-Cantor, and Begonia Santa-Cecilia We created this pamphlet in order to analyze the forms of criminalization of pregnancy that have been reinforced in recent decades in the United States as one of the forms of war against women in the field [...]